Dark Joseph Ravine's trademark, Kindness for Success, is his media outlet.
The goal of Kindness for Success is to promote a non-hostile environment, spread kindness and bring to light the research that supports kindness as a vehicle for success in health, happiness, and so many other areas of life, including stress relief. Together, we can make all forms of bullying history. Since kindness is helpful to the giver and the receiver, there is no better way to create a happier world.
Towards the end of 2022, Dark Joseph Ravine introduced Kindness for Success News which consists of positive news only pertaining to good people, happiness, and anything that relates to helping people or making the world a better place. The goal of this media outlet is to build trust and faith in humanity because the press is sometimes negative and builds fear. The outlet also has a trending section which is brought out more to the public from the marketing team. You can also see Dark Joseph Ravine's personal quotes. The site accepts general submissions for pitches. You can email the sales team directly at sales@kindnessforsuccessbydjr.com